
I've preety much gotten the hang on how the weekend works, so for last weekend..i was well prepared. Slept in till night after work on saturday to recuperate enough energy for the upcoming events. Upon getting up, i drove a few miles to meet with tweety and headed down to the pool. It felt so good to be consumed by water, i almost forgot she was around, while doing my laps.

We could only leave close to eleven cause some mutt was circling the pool & being terrified of dogs, there was no way i could convince tweety to leave. Funny thing was how the mutt knows how to take a dip & i dont see how being in the pool is any safer. Having skipped dinner we were fucking hungry after the swim. And since i was dying to meet up with sha & the guys for a drink at sweet garden anyways, we...well i decided we'd eat there.

The table was filled with very familiar people namely sepol, jaz, sha, rach, elmi, wanzi with vodka & beers for the livers. Ended up having so much fun totally forgot bout dinner till much later in the morning where supper came in at seafood center. Passed out by the time i got back & had no idea the following day was gonna be long.

Somehow tweety had this idea to go shopping next morning which practically took up the whole day along with numerous areas covered but only a few items acquired. I actually came across a couple of stuff that would just drain out this month's salary but seein as how they are under 'neccesities', it kinda leaves me no choice. I didnt think shopping with the opposite sex would be any fun based on past experiences, but this..besides being tiring as fuck, was not an ounce short of fun.

Two meals & some six destinations later we're back to the pool. This time it's raining & less fun due to exhaustion from running around all day. We had one more destination
after swimming and it took a couple of hours to go through the whole place before having the pleasure of getting home & hitting the sack.

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