Despite only having 28 days this month with numerous holidays plus off days, it has been the most stressful month yet. Where work starts feeling like work, the "fun" is drained out of "play" & still very much sleep deprived. Example: Had a lil bit too much to drink last night leading up to one hell of a burden getting up for work.
What a toilet looks like 8 beers later. (it's not obvious but i'm aiming at a snail)
Bless the snooze button on the phone, its simply genius. First marketed in 1956 by General Electric-Telechron...."The Snooz-Alarm". Those extra 9 minutes can determine the outcome of the rest of the day. Or in my case 27 mins this morning which explains showing up late for work with very much unappreciated eye bags.
Today's Ron's last day at the office, he bought some pizza & buffalo wings to go around by the time i got back from running errands. Had to skip dinner afterwards. This dude's been a mentor & his guidance kinda got me through this line work. Hopefully i wont be in a mess workwise during his abscence.
Today's Ron's last day at the office, he bought some pizza & buffalo wings to go around by the time i got back from running errands. Had to skip dinner afterwards. This dude's been a mentor & his guidance kinda got me through this line work. Hopefully i wont be in a mess workwise during his abscence.
Labels: Booze
Can't remember the last time i wasn't drinking. It's gotten a lil bit worse ever since i started with CNY open house visiting in the daytime. Hits you harder during the day somehow....must be the heat. The only thing keeping me sober is work & swimming i guess....but then again i dont work or swim nights so....
This brings back memories of the last time i got hooked on a bad habit after CNY back in college. Gambling, started CNY 98 & carried out consecutively till sometime around chirstmas 2000. The thought of making it to classes or getting any sleep kinda slipped my mind back then. Hope this doesn't happen with drinking seeing as how im trying to quit. Probably, provided i find a good enough substitute.
With whatever little free time i get off from work & play these days, im hooked on the tube catching up on movies & series "Arrested Developement" (One word...funny). I came across the paper this morning & saw "this article". Was a lil disturbed till i read through the whole article, doesn't make much difference i guess.
With whatever little free time i get off from work & play these days, im hooked on the tube catching up on movies & series "Arrested Developement" (One word...funny). I came across the paper this morning & saw "this article". Was a lil disturbed till i read through the whole article, doesn't make much difference i guess.
Labels: Booze, Movie Review
Back to cooporate slavery
3 Comments Ejaculated by Lucky Sin on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 9:41 AM.![](
My cny break ended yesterday when work resumed. Back to long hours & no indeed. If i were to summarize what went down over the past few days, it'll probably go something like this..
17th - Spent the night before drinking ('tsing tao beer' - taste like fizzy water) at my bro's crib. Road trip to gramma's the day after in time for massive family dinner. 11 aunts & uncles with respective families equals a very packed & loud dinner hall. There was no sleeping by 12am as fireworks filled up every visible spot in sky.
18th - Gambled all day till later in the afternoon, got forced into a few games of basketball under some very hot weather conditions. I knew it was bad when one of my aunts' went into seizure or sumthin from the heat. The drains along the streets of sarekei are filled with real crabs, timmy caught himself one. By night we did some cny-ing before drinking at sum karaoke joint, they had 'anchor smooth' (which also taste like fizzy water).
19th - Final family lunch gathering before another road trip down to sibu. Cny-ing the whole day...took a break around 9pm for some snooker with my bro. By 11 or so out of the blue i got dragged by my sis-in-law to go bar hopping.
First stop was some dodgy karaoke joint packed with triads. Only thing happening there were the tiger beers. Second stop some packed fengtau joint packed with lesbians & heinekens..forgot which tasted better. :P By the time we got to the third stop, despite already being wasted, i fell for the oldest trick in the candy junkie's book & was trippin bigtime before passing out.
20th - Woke up with a killer hangover & threw up all over the bowl. Didn't have an appetite for lunch but gambling was ok. I think i'm preety lucky this cny with the cards. Went to the airport around 3 only to get the flight delayed till 6 plus.
Flight was shit as usual due to the turbulence. It's times like these when flashbacks on flight disaster movies start popping up. Very fucking not cool. Had to rush back to bsb from miri right after dinner which was quite a problem with the storm.
Overall it was good catching up with the family again. I think the festivities will always be the perfect excuse for that.
17th - Spent the night before drinking ('tsing tao beer' - taste like fizzy water) at my bro's crib. Road trip to gramma's the day after in time for massive family dinner. 11 aunts & uncles with respective families equals a very packed & loud dinner hall. There was no sleeping by 12am as fireworks filled up every visible spot in sky.
18th - Gambled all day till later in the afternoon, got forced into a few games of basketball under some very hot weather conditions. I knew it was bad when one of my aunts' went into seizure or sumthin from the heat. The drains along the streets of sarekei are filled with real crabs, timmy caught himself one. By night we did some cny-ing before drinking at sum karaoke joint, they had 'anchor smooth' (which also taste like fizzy water).
19th - Final family lunch gathering before another road trip down to sibu. Cny-ing the whole day...took a break around 9pm for some snooker with my bro. By 11 or so out of the blue i got dragged by my sis-in-law to go bar hopping.
First stop was some dodgy karaoke joint packed with triads. Only thing happening there were the tiger beers. Second stop some packed fengtau joint packed with lesbians & heinekens..forgot which tasted better. :P By the time we got to the third stop, despite already being wasted, i fell for the oldest trick in the candy junkie's book & was trippin bigtime before passing out.
20th - Woke up with a killer hangover & threw up all over the bowl. Didn't have an appetite for lunch but gambling was ok. I think i'm preety lucky this cny with the cards. Went to the airport around 3 only to get the flight delayed till 6 plus.
Flight was shit as usual due to the turbulence. It's times like these when flashbacks on flight disaster movies start popping up. Very fucking not cool. Had to rush back to bsb from miri right after dinner which was quite a problem with the storm.
Overall it was good catching up with the family again. I think the festivities will always be the perfect excuse for that.
Im so thirsty. Been roaming around town the whole afternoon, tried lookin for a bar since the weather was a lil too hot for boozing at the coffee shop. No luck whatsover, i did make a couple of interesting pit stops though.
Firstly a thai buddist tatto parlour/temple accesories store. I got all stoked at first but then after going through the photo album & learning that not u, but the master monk decides which of the crappy designs from the album gets inked on your skin...., i left.
The best part about roaming around unfamiliar heavy traffic territory on foot is obviously convenience. It was easy moving in between the ghetto shops & dodgy chill out spots. Surprisingly barganing within these shops weren't as tough as i'd anticipated.
Next stops were some crappy ass parks by the jetty & a tiny park in the middle of town with sculpted creatures & pissing rocks. They should've redesigned the rocks to cocks. kidding :P
So after dodgin more speeding traffic & the heat, im stuck in the cc again waiting to be picked up. Why dont i jz drive myself around? Cz i'm not ready to be part of the traffic casualty list. I feel like such a kid.
Firstly a thai buddist tatto parlour/temple accesories store. I got all stoked at first but then after going through the photo album & learning that not u, but the master monk decides which of the crappy designs from the album gets inked on your skin...., i left.
The best part about roaming around unfamiliar heavy traffic territory on foot is obviously convenience. It was easy moving in between the ghetto shops & dodgy chill out spots. Surprisingly barganing within these shops weren't as tough as i'd anticipated.
Next stops were some crappy ass parks by the jetty & a tiny park in the middle of town with sculpted creatures & pissing rocks. They should've redesigned the rocks to cocks. kidding :P
So after dodgin more speeding traffic & the heat, im stuck in the cc again waiting to be picked up. Why dont i jz drive myself around? Cz i'm not ready to be part of the traffic casualty list. I feel like such a kid.
So i'm stuck in some dodgy ass cybercafe in sibu with more than 3 hrs to kill before my bro gets off work to pick my ass up. Took less than an hour to cirlce around this whole mall & get all the stuff i needed before ending up here.
Yesterday's trip to miri was kinda quick...cause i was dead asleep during the whole ride & got up upon arrival in time for dinner. Had a few beers with my old man, very awkward. Hit the sack right after watching miami ink on the tube later with my cousin who insist flower tats are too fucking clich'e. I sort of agree with her.
Had to get up by 5+am to get my shit together & check in the airport by 6. Fucking turbulence had me waking up every now & then throughout the whole fight. But am glad to get back on solid ground afterwards. We'd to wait a whole hour before my bro came round to pick us up, i guess the term "i'm on the way" is similar down here too. I'm in desperate need of some sleep...right after a nice hot shower of course.
Yesterday's trip to miri was kinda quick...cause i was dead asleep during the whole ride & got up upon arrival in time for dinner. Had a few beers with my old man, very awkward. Hit the sack right after watching miami ink on the tube later with my cousin who insist flower tats are too fucking clich'e. I sort of agree with her.
Had to get up by 5+am to get my shit together & check in the airport by 6. Fucking turbulence had me waking up every now & then throughout the whole fight. But am glad to get back on solid ground afterwards. We'd to wait a whole hour before my bro came round to pick us up, i guess the term "i'm on the way" is similar down here too. I'm in desperate need of some sleep...right after a nice hot shower of course.
I swear the festive mood in me is as fading out. If it weren't for the fucking annoying CNY songs playing everywhere & decorations i'd probably not notice it coming up. Tommorow begins the long ass drive down to miri where the following morning i'll be flying back to sibu. It'd be a nice break from here for a few days, catch up with the family.... experiment with drinks & .....gambling. I'm all drained out from work at the moment & slowly anticipating the minutes till i get off for a dip in the pool.
I've just been so fucking lazy with anything outside work lately. Besides the same recurring shit on different days i'd say everything's at a normal. Recently went through my final blood test on monday & awaiting workpass results at the moment, hence no passport. (no passport = no belading = very unhappy) Although the occasional local booze sessions still stands.
Managed to squeeze some free time in between work & play to catch up on some movies & albums. These are the two 'must watch' & 'must listen', movie & album respectively.
Set in the Mayan civilization where a hunter's life is disrupted & brought into some crazy fucked up world where death awaits. He makes a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life. Numerous decapitation, slaughter, trippy insights into the mayan culture & hell of a ride on the emotional rollercoaster.
Check out the trailer "here".
LambOfGod - Sacrament
One fucking excellent, new & improved album. Lots of guitar solo's, faster drumming & faster high-pitch screeching vocals. 11 tracks from this 4th full length album & im hooked on at least 5 of em.
Preview some tracks "here"
'Redneck' video "here"
I've been preety stressed out lately from work & play. This kinda shit rarely happens but when it does, the intrusion sticks with me for quite a while. Another excuse for a drink? Maybe..
Managed to squeeze some free time in between work & play to catch up on some movies & albums. These are the two 'must watch' & 'must listen', movie & album respectively.
Set in the Mayan civilization where a hunter's life is disrupted & brought into some crazy fucked up world where death awaits. He makes a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life. Numerous decapitation, slaughter, trippy insights into the mayan culture & hell of a ride on the emotional rollercoaster.
Check out the trailer "here".
One fucking excellent, new & improved album. Lots of guitar solo's, faster drumming & faster high-pitch screeching vocals. 11 tracks from this 4th full length album & im hooked on at least 5 of em.
Preview some tracks "here"
'Redneck' video "here"
I've been preety stressed out lately from work & play. This kinda shit rarely happens but when it does, the intrusion sticks with me for quite a while. Another excuse for a drink? Maybe..
Labels: Movie Review, Music Review