Slow ass week

It's taken me five days to get off my ass & start blogging as intended. Must be the whole "it takes only 8 secs before you start loosing patience on a webpage" kinda thing. For me, blogging is like paperwork at the office, minus the deadlines.

Let's start off with the weekend.. Went down to miri with Wanlongkok & Karacoma for a gig in some pub on saturday. It's very appealing when u can drink while passing judgement on some 20 or so bands without getting hassled. Don't really remember much from the gig since i was pissed half the time, but managed to get some pics & videos..
Overall it was a damn good gig, specially through beer goggles. Stuck around a bit longer to catch a few other good bands before finally getting some grub. The best part of miri has got to be the food. Regardless of time or place, chances are it's good grub. Passed out not so long after getting back to the hotel.

Couldn't get inked the following day due to overpricing on a piece i wanted. So as an alternative we tracked down a booze spot for an early start to drinking which led to getting back later then expected. Hangover at work the day after was totally shit. It's times like these when u start asking "why the fuck am i torturing myself?", which is roughly 36hrs before the next craving kicks in.

Adi made us watch this preety cool clip last night, Vadrum meets Super Mario Bros. Bout time somebody covered this shit. Gonna make a move now, it's way past office hours and i'm starving.

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1 Responses to “Slow ass week”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    just so you know. we watched it again, and again, and again, and again afterwards...  

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