Migraine's the fuckin bitch

Spent the last two days in bed fueled by antibiotics, vomit control tablets & panadols. Anything else going into my system gets flushed out in a matter of seconds. I don't even throw up that hard when im pissed. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't drink.....resulting in my inability to get my ass out of bed & a most undesired fucked up migraine thats still lurking around despite how i've managed to turn in for work today.

As if thats not bad enough, i get these fucking twisted dreams every few mins before waking up breaking in cold sweat. Talk about not having a good nights sleep. The freaky bit would be this "succubus" thing which kinda occured a while back in a past which im not sure as to why it's recurring now. Could be the meds or it could just be a sign to cut down on my playtime after office hours.

Thanks to sobrina i've got "nip-tuck" to entertain during the whole 'sick in bed' episode. To simply put it, it's preety catchy, scandalous, bloody, rich & clever. I do hope to be rid of this freaking migraine & down a few bottles of ice cold carlsbergs.

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